B2B Digital Marketing Trends You Need to Be Watching

Marketing, B2B Tech

Read Time: 3 Min

You’ve heard the saying: “The only constant is change.” These are wise words, and just as applicable to the digital marketing world as anywhere else. Digital marketing trends are always in flux.


We’re now firmly into 2017, and it’s time for marketers to assess the marketing strategies they’ve been using and review their approach to digital marketing for the year ahead. There are are also some particularly inspiring tactics for marketers engaged in the B2B sector.


What Do the Players Say?

Looking at how other players in the digital marketing world assess what will make an impact is an important starting point. In a survey asking marketers to evaluate the top-rated digital marketing methods that would enhance business in 2017, the results gave some interesting insights:

  1. 20.3% say Content Marketing
  2. 20.2% say Big Data
  3. 9.2% say Mobile Marketing
  4. 8.8% say Social Media Marketing
  5. 4.1% say Search Engine Optimisation

With these responses in mind, let’s look at a few of the digital marketing trends that you must pay attention to this year.


Content marketing

The popularity of inbound marketing has dramatically increased over the past three to four years. Where blogs and social media used to be the go-to, marketing agencies have now realized the tremendous importance of content marketing. Getting the right balance of quality content, proper frequency of delivery and quantity are what top marketing agencies are looking at. An article regarding research from Buzzsumo provides some interesting insights into the future of content marketing. Due to the longer journey a customer takes in the B2B world, content marketing is important, as clients will want to research thoroughly before purchasing.



When their experience is personalized, 48% of consumers spend more. Not surprisingly, 90% of marketers see personalization as a strategic priority. By collecting, analyzing and managing multiple sources of data (Big Data) you can create very targeted marketing campaigns through personalization. The trick is collecting the right data and having the ability to analyze it correctly.

E-commerce has been using personalization techniques for years, and now it is finally becoming apparent to the B2B world that it is a very important ingredient in the world of digital marketing trends.

Personalization and automation also go hand in hand, using Big Data and automation software allow marketers to enhance the customer experience from start to finish.


Marketing Automation

Many B2B businesses aren’t at a maturity level where they are fully utilizing marketing automation and that is to their detriment. Don’t be scared! There are a vast array of options to choose from, and digital marketing automation is the perfect technology for B2B businesses.

It provides a way of nurturing leads, in an automated manner needing less manual time and effort, with relevant content along the path to purchase.

Keep Up With The Digital Marketing Trends

If you want to stay competitive and build your B2B marketing in 2017, you must utilize these very powerful tactics while incorporating them with your proven practices. If you want to work with a partner with a proven track record in the B2B sector, contact us. And check out our recent work here


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