Rebranding Our Toughest Client Yet: Ourselves

Branding, Agency

Read Time: 2 Min

Some people would say that a global pandemic is not the ideal time to rebrand your agency — but we are not those people.

Instead, we took inspiration from what was going on around us — from those all over the world using this new normal as an opportunity to discover. To connect with their communities in new ways. To dig into their passions, try something new, and to breathe, create, and take the scary leap of reinventing themselves (and their businesses).

As an agency, we took the chance to do the same.

And while it has been a wild ride, to say the least, AOR leaned into what we’ve done since we opened in 1992 — we grew, changed, adapted, evolved. And now, so has our brand.

Introducing the new AOR

Even though we may look different, and have matured as an agency (a word we still can’t say without giggling, so maybe we haven’t grown up that much) — one thing has remained the same: the core of AOR is our people. Our employees, clients, and partners. It’s this fact and these relationships that inspired our new tagline and battle cry:

This simple statement reflects not only our people-oriented creative approach but also our deep-rooted priority of putting the wellbeing of everyone we work with (and for) above all else. And to do this while creating an environment that allows people, relationships, and our best work to thrive.

But we didn’t stop there. Along with our new tag we’ve developed a new…well, everything. New purpose, mission, vision; new values, voice and tone; new mark, colors, visuals. And of course, this new website.

Yet despite all the newness, all the excitement, and all the changes — we still believe our brand is more than an (awesome) logo and words on the page. It represents each and every AORian and what we can do for our clients and each other.

It is who we are. What we stand for. And what we want to become, together.

Welcome to the next era of AOR. Join us, won’t you?


cta that links to values page

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