The Importance of Using an Agency to Master Videos in Your Marketing


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When it comes to content, videos are quickly becoming king. Video content is very popular on social media, and as more platforms make it easier to create videos you should expect to see more companies using them in their marketing.


With a smartphone almost anyone can create video content, but that doesn’t mean that you should rely on your cell phone for creating content. Marketing agencies are content experts, and they can create what you need to get views.  If you want to do video marketing right you an agency can be a huge help.


Not convinced that you need professional help with your video content?  Here are some reasons why you should consider hiring an agency for your next video project.


They’re creative

You know that you want to create a video, but do you know the kind of video you want to create? Have you thought about doing a how-to video that shows off your industry expertise?  Would you be filming something that shows off the day-to-day life in your office?  Do you just want to do something abstract and interesting to gain in views? Marketing agencies have some of the best creative minds on staff. They’re able to find ways to create new and exciting content for you with ease.


They know how to market

You just created some of the best video content you’ve ever made.  Now, how do you get the word out? Simply making a status and posting the video on social media isn’t going to be enough to get views.  Marketing agencies know what needs to be done to get as many eyes as possible on your content.


They’ll be able to use SEO tactics in your video title and tags to make sure that your target audience can see it. They can create an ad campaign on Facebook or promote your video in a tweet. Regardless of how they use SEO, you can guarantee that it’ll be what your video needs to get good views.


Marketing agencies give you more bang for your buck

How much do you think it would cost to bring on someone to handle all of your social media and content marketing? It would cost you anywhere from $27K-$47K to bring on a social media manager full time.  When you add in the cost of taxes and employee benefits, video content and marketing can get very pricey.  

If you choose to bring on someone full time, you’ll also only have their professional experience as an asset. When you bring on an agency, you’ll have an entire team of people dedicated to making your video content look dazzling. Project managers, designers, copywriters, and other experts will all weigh in on your content.


They have the right tools

How much video equipment do you currently have at your disposal?  If you’re like most business owners reading this post, the answer is probably “a smartphone with a camera.” A phone camera is good for capturing some candid moments with family and friends, but it isn’t ideal for creating professional videos for your business. Marketing agencies that specialize in video content will have access to cameras, lighting equipment, editing software and other things you can only dream of.


How about you?

What do you think about incorporating videos into your marketing? Do you currently utilize it, or would you like to start?


Chat with us so we can start a conversation about how using videos can benefit your business. Take a look at some of our other work as well. 

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