The Next Big Thing: Interactive Video


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With the recent rise of video marketing online, companies are figuring out creative ways they can use video to tell their story and develop their brand. Whether it is to inform or to entertain, videos are pulling customers in.

But how can you take video marketing one step further? How can you engage your customers through video?

Introducing, interactive video.

Interactive videos are an easy, effective way to engage customers online. Rather than creating a video that the customer would simply sit and watch, interactive videos present the viewer with a “Choose your Own Adventure” type experience. The viewer is in the driving seat. Throughout the video they are given different options on what route to take and what they want to see. This not only presents a more engaging, targeted experience for the viewer but it also gives the company a lot of information about the viewer and their interests without having to fill out complicated forms.

Interactive videos have been proven to increase click-throughs, lengthen customer engagement, and create higher value viewers.

Here are a few examples to show how interactive video can be used in a clever way to engage the viewer:

Deloitte Recruitment Campaign

Maybelline “A Beauty Adventure”

See our recent work here. And don’t hesitate to reach out.

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