Raising awareness for sexual assault by empowering victims and confidants.

City and County of Denver

PSA Campaign


Denver is the largest city in the United States to join the national Start by Believing campaign. Multiple agencies, criminal justice stakeholders, and community partners work together to provide a safe, caring environment where victims are empowered to step forward and take action against those who have harmed them. Sexual assault is more prevalent in Denver and nationwide than most people probably realize or would like to admit. The ultimate challenge was encouraging Denver residents to truly listen and take action when someone they know is sexually assaulted.

With educational resources, increasing number of reports, and marketing tactics in place, the City and County of Denver needed to focus their efforts on items that would provide the most traction for their message — with a special focus on Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Additionally, the city needed a strong, compelling campaign to carry on throughout the year.


Because previous awareness campaigns for the city were not trackable, we wanted to deliver tactics that could provide clear metrics and benchmarks for success. We also needed a strong call to action to drive people to the site.

We developed the primary message, “No Shame. Know Action.” to encourage people to believe the survivor without question, and to connect them to support they need. Other messages included:

  • No Blame. Know Action.
  • No Judgement. Know Action.
  • No Doubt. Know Action.

The campaign leveraged bold and powerful color, imagery, and graphic elements to stand out to Denver residents. With the content in place, we deployed a mixed media strategy over a one month period.

These tactics included:

  • Magazine print ad
  • Billboards
  • Bus shelters
  • Landing page
  • Facebook ads
  • Posters

We used custom URLs to track which deliverables performed best, which drove the most traffic, and how long visitors stayed on the site.


The client was thrilled with the look and feel of the campaign, which proved to be successful through measurable tactics. Billboards and Facebook ad executions drove the most traffic over the course of the month-long campaign in April 2017 and also led to the most time spent on the site.


Total Sessions Generated


Sessions Generated by Billboards


Sessions Generated by Facebook Ads