Delivering Joy During a Global Pandemic

Dell Technologies
Care Package Campaign

Creating Connection in Isolation


When COVID-19 forced the world indoors, we all had to think outside the box to be able to connect with people who we’d normally meet face-to-face.

AOR teamed up with a group of Dell Technologies partners across the country to create care packages for current and potential customers to remind them that although they were in a home office, Dell Technologies could still provide all the support (and more) that they’d grown to rely on.


Become a Fulfillment Center

As it turns out, sometimes the best way to think outside the box is to fill a few (hundred) yourselves.

By harnessing the energy of yearly holidays like New Year’s Eve, and cultural touch points like the shift to working from home, and having to enjoy our favorite sports seasons in isolation, the AOR team created themed care packages to surprise and delight recipients for months.

Each theme included emails promoting the campaign and directing recipients to a landing page that invited them to sign up to receive their box. After opting in, recipients would be contacted by the sales team to discuss the solution associated with the campaign and to see if the care package had been enjoyed.


Unboxing Success

The feedback we received from care package recipients was overwhelmingly positive. The gifts were a fun way to break up the monotony of isolation and the boxes served as a good reminder of Dell Technologies and its partners’ services without resorting to pushy sales tactics.

For Dell Technologies, the care packages generated a plethora of opportunities. Dormant clients returned and new relationships were sparked. As a result, the campaign generated millions of dollars in potential leads. If you’re interested in success like that, reach out today and let’s start a conversation. In the meantime, you can check out other work we’ve done for tech clients here.