Designing a campaign & poster to inspire film-lovers across Denver, and get the public excited for Film on the Rocks 2023.

Denver Film
Film on the Rocks Marketing & Design
Arts & Culture

It Was “The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship”

And it started back as early as 2007. For the last nearly two decades, our partnership with Denver Film has flourished. They’ve come to trust us with the design and campaign development of both their Denver Film Festival (DFF) and Film on the Rocks (FOTR) events — and without fail, it is one of our most anticipated projects as each festival season begins. But for the sake of this case study, let’s take a closer look at the event that plays its movies under the stars: Film on the Rocks.


“There’s No Place Like” … Film on the Rocks

To showcase all of our posters and campaign concepts through the years, well, “we’re gonna need a bigger website,” so here are just a few of our favorites:

FOTR Posters Through the Years

Our tactics and strategies have changed as the movies have changed over time. We began pulling inspiration from the films themselves and really pushing the boundaries of what Denverites would react to. After all, they are movie lovers, and grabbing their attention with eye-catching visuals and catchy slogans is what they live for. And our ideas are endless and becoming increasingly more imaginative.

Let’s Go ‘Back to the Future’

Working on the same project for so many years has its perks, but one downside is the fear of running out of fresh ideas. Luckily, there’s always an avenue to explore, and our team is made up of dedicated movie fans — we’re always able to give Denver Film plenty to choose from.

And 2023 was no exception.

FOTR Poster Mock Up
Gettin’ Groovy

We went to the root of Film on the Rocks for this concept. Typically, this movie event features films of the past, making us nostalgic for our childhoods or the stories we heard at certain points in our lives — from Star Wars to Dirty Dancing. So we went to the past for inspiration, the 70s to be exact.

Our team worked together to draft designs and ads with the 70s in mind, and a message for all to hear: No matter what you’re going through, good times or bad, maybe, just maybe, all you need is film.

Film on the Rocks social media post for Star Wars

FOTR Color Palette
FOTR Social Media Mock Ups
“If [We] Build It, They Will Come”

The designs and posters were incredibly well-received, by both the client and our audience. Three of the event nights ended up selling out, and the infectious joy of movie-watching was spread from the front row to the back of the rocks.

We can’t wait to see what next year has in store. Stay tuned to find out!


Social Accounts Reached


Increase in Followers


Website Impressions