Creating a badge-collection system for marijuana businesses who support their community.

City & County of Denver

Cannabis Cares Branding


A Great Idea Needed Some Backbone

Any Denver-based marijuana business is required to have a community impact plan. Sounds great! The problem? There are no formal or legal conditions for what that plan needs to be or how it’s put into effect.

How Do We Incentivize Responsibility?

The City and County of Denver came to us looking for help in branding a new program — ‘Cannabis Cares’. The goal of this program was to incentivize marijuana businesses to meet certain levels of achievement and earn designations and recognition for their accomplishments in their community.

Let’s Make ‘Caring’ Collectibles!

Our team created and designed a system of badges reflecting specific levels of accomplishment. These badges are awarded to business owners and can be displayed in their stores as well as on their product packaging, websites, and social media.

2023 Cannabis Cares patch in red and orange


Community Engagement

Presented to businesses taking an active role in supporting and uplifting the community within 3 miles of their location.

2023 Cannabis Cares patch in purple


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Received when the business employs and supports a diverse workforce and creates an inclusive work environment for both staff and customers.

2023 Cannabis Cares in green



Given to businesses that invest parts of their proceeds in programs supporting a better, healthier environment.

2023 Cannabis Cares in blue



Granted when a business contracts with a minority-owned business outside of the cannabis industry.

2023 Cannabis Cares patch in blue with hot air ballon icon


Social Equity

Awarded to businesses that work to uplift individuals disproportionately harmed by the marijuana prohibition.

Along with the badges we also created a framework for those achieving several levels. Businesses could gain ranks such as Advocate and Champion as they worked to make their community a better place.

Change Has Already Begun

By game-ifying care, we were able to have a massive impact on the Denver community. Already, the Cannabis Cares program has awarded 25 badges, all to social equity licensees. The program has also received 142 social impact plan submission, which means that even more positive change is on the way.